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Sechler's Fine Pickles
12-pint Giftpacks

The Variety Pack 12X

Candied Sweet Mixed Pickles, Candied Sweet Orange Strip Pickles, Candied Sweet Dill Strip Pickles, Sweet Bread & Butter Cucumber Slices, No Garlic Genuine Dill Pickles, Kosher Baby Dill Pickles (Fresh Pack), Hungarian Pepper Relish (Mild), Sweet Heat Mixed Pickles, Sweet Pickle Relish, Hamburger Dills, Candied Lemon Chunk Pickles, Candied Sweet Gherkins

6-pint Giftpacks

Pickle Lover's Collection 6XD

Candied Sweet Mixed Pickles, Candied Sweet Orange Strip Pickles, Garlic Genuine Dill Pickles, Garlic Baby Dill Pickles (Fresh Pack), Sweet Pickle Chips, Sweet Pickle Relish

The Sweet Mix 6XS

Candied Sweet Mixed Pickles, Candied Sweet Orange Strip Pickles, Candied Sweet Dill Chunk Pickles, Candied Raisin Crispy Pickles, Sweet Gherkins, Sweet Hungarian Pepper Relish (Mild)

Sechler's Hotties 6XH

Hot Cauliflower (Medium), Imported Pepperoncini (Medium), Jalapeno Sweet Relish, Jalapeno Dill Gherkins, Sweet Heat Mixed Pickles, Hot Mixed Pickles

4-pint Giftpacks

Mr. Sechler's Favorites 4XD

Candied Sweet Mixed Pickles, Candied Sweet Orange Strip Pickles, Sweet Bread & Butter Cucumber Slices (Fresh Pack), Garlic Genuine Dill Pickles

The Sweet Selection 4XS

Candied Sweet Mixed Pickles, Candied Sweet Orange Strip Pickles, Candied Sweet Dill Chunk Pickles, Candied Raisin Crispy Pickles

Our gift packs have been a holiday tradition for decades. Also popular as a gift any time of the year. See our selection at right.

Order Sechler’s giftpacks online.

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